

“Agartha Tartaros”

The whole body is painfully sore. The bite force is a threatening 8 tons.

He is unstable, with a mixture of a very innocent spirit due to his madness and the few remaining good-natured spirit.

He is lonely and is happy when you play with him or pet him.

Redataru is Aecartbil's younger brother.

Another Fact: He is rather muscular.

Also, he seems to be able to do a variety of attacks, such as shaking the ground and breaking glass. (Don't do it)

サンプルボイス/Sample Voice

「おねえちゃんどこ?」(My Sis?? WheRe Are you??)

 「おにいちゃん!れだたるとあそぼう!」(Bro!! plAY WITH Redataru!)

「れだたるだよぉ、えへへ」(It's Me, Redataru, he-he-he……)


レダタル(昔)/ Redataru(Past)

He is a fresh, caring and firm person……but he is really a very lonely person.

He likes to see someone smile. He likes to see happy faces.

I don't have enough of you. I don't have enough of you. I want more of your smile. I want it. I want that. Hey.






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